Going to Leave

By greenteapanda

May 3, 2008

Category: Education

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Yesterday I got asked if I intended to stay around for another contract. As one might obviously conclude from my previous posts, I am not at all happy with the quality of accomodation or what is expected at school. They obviously want an unqualified English speaking idiot for the job. I suppose they are trying to guage how many people they need to hire through recruiters for the fall.
The teacher tried to phrase it as quitting, but I pointed out I was not quitting. I was simply not signing a new contract. I will be completing the contract I am currently working through.
Why the education ministry needed to ask, I have no idea. They also wanted to know what I would do next. I simply told them I would go back to China.
I haven’t decided if that will be in a working or studying capacity. I haven’t decided if it will be mainland China or not.
I don’t plan on accepting any future jobs where:
– the employer provides housing
– I have to eat at the place of employment, but no vegan/vegetarian options are regularly available
– There are severe restrictions on using the money I earn, such as sending it out of the country.
– The employer does not take an active role in encouraging further education. The contract I have supposedly encourages me to further my education related to the job, but when I asked about getting a MA in TESOL, I was discouraged from doing so.

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